
Western Civ I Questions: Week 34

Why was there more of an emphasis on early Christian sources in the northern Renaissance? What was up with the Renaissance popes? Why did they think artists needed to burn their paintings of things that weren’t Christian? Why is the Renaissance important?

The High Renaissance and The Praise of Folly

The Praise of Folly was written by Erasmus. It points out some of the corrupt ways people conduct themselves. He points out the shady business practices of merchants and how the friars flatter them to get a cut of the money they make. He talks about how philosophers think of themselves as being above everyone…

Western Civ I Questions: Week 33

Why did Brunelleschi turn away from being a sculptor and instead turned towards architecture? Why is there a game called Botticelli? Why were people portrayed more realistically in the renaissance then before it? Why did the painting of the last supper age so quickly?

Artists from the Early Renaissance

Fra Angelico (1387-1455) is sometimes described as having been the final cry of the medieval spirit in art. He decorated the chapel of Pope Nicholas V with depictions of the lives of Saint Stephen and Saint Lawrence. Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455) won a competition to make designs for the door of a Baptistery. He won, not…

Is Religion a Good Thing?

Lucretius was a Roman poet and author of the philosophical epic titled De Rerum Natura. In his writing, he spoke about his views on religion and how it teaches fear instead of fact and causes people to do terrible things in the name of irrelevant deities. He uses the story of Agamemnon sacrificing his daughter,…

Western Civ I Questions: Week 32

Why did people think of the Greek language as being breath taking? (petrarch and renaissance) How did Lorenzo tell if something was forged? Why was Nicholas interest in collecting ancient manuscripts? Why do many humanists believe that the works of the ancient world and the values of Christianity are compatible?


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