
The layout of the QWERTY keyboard was made by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1878 after inventing the first typewriter in 1867. He made the QWERTY keyboard not because he wanted people to slow down, but because letters that were frequently used together would cause typewriters to jam. The idea that he created this keyboard layout to make people slow down is a common misconception.

In 1875 George Green created the electronic dental drill. This drill made it so dentists could work more quickly and their patients wouldn’t have to endure as much pain. In fact, it was advertised for its speed.

Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone in 1876. Alexander was born in Scotland in 1847 and had a passion for music and art. He became interested in studying acoustics after his mother became deaf.

The carpet sweeper was made by Melville Bissell who was born in New York in 1843 after his wife, Anna, complained about how hard it was to get sawdust out of the carpet. The carpet sweeper was easy to use and quiet as well.

Thomas Edison, who is sometimes referred to as America’s greatest inventor, invented the phonograph in 1877. This allowed sounds to be recorded and then played back. It is now better known as a record player.

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